Funday Korea Networks in Media [2019 Sunchang International Sauce Fest…
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Writer Funday Korea Networks
Hit 10,162 Hits
Date 19-10-31 10:52
This is Funday Korea Networks.
We are featured in some Korean articles related to 2019 Sunchang International Sauce Festival.
We would like to share them with you, please click on titles to see original articles.
[NEWSIS] '순창 장류축제·세계발효소스박람회' 성황리 폐막
[NEWSMAKER] 순창 장류축제, 세계발효소스박람회 성공적 폐막
[THE SEGYE] [세계로컬핫뉴스] 순창 장류축제 18일 개막, 행사장 붐벼
[GUKJE NEWS] 순창 장류축제, 세계발효소스박람회 성공적 폐막
[CJHELLO NEWS] 순창 장류축제 젊은층 입맛잡기 시동