If you are unable to log-in or apply for an event... > Updates

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If you are unable to log-in or apply for an event...

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Writer Funday Korea Networks Hit 17,352 Hits Date 18-12-06 15:55
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1. It says my account already exists when I try to sign up for a membership.

→ If you see this message, your account has probably been created automatically, based on a  previous application to one of our events. 

We likely already sent an email which includes a temporary created password on December 3.

Please check that email and try to log-in with the password.


2. It says there has been an incorrect password or ID when I try to log in with the temporary password included in the December 3 email.

→ Please email us at funday.[email protected] and we will look into this issue.


3. It keeps saying 'Please fill out all of the required blanks', and redirecting me to the profile editing page.

If you signed up via your Facebook and Google account, you might have missed filling out the required basic information blanks,

such as country, gender, email, etc. Please fill out those blanks and the message will not recur.


4. It keeps redirecting me to the profile editing page even though I have already filled out all of the required blanks.

Apart from the basic information you have already filled in, you should also fill in more blanks such as Korean speaking ability, date of birth, and contact information

to register for an event. After you fill in those information blanks, it won't bother you again.


Some parts of our new website still need to be repaired, and we are trying to get them fixed as soon as possible.

If the above answers are not enough to help you, please email us at general.[email protected]


Thank you for your understanding in advance.

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